Frequently asked questions

When is registration?

Team Sungod has ongoing registration throughout the regular season from September to June. You can contact us at 604-345-5912 or email

What skill level does my child need?

Swimmers must be comfortable in deep water. Your child may need to be assessed based on their age or skill level. Bring your suit, bathing cap or goggles (if you have them) and a towel to keep warm after.


What does my swimmer need when attending practices?

All swimmers need a navy blue training suit, goggles, Cap (if hair is long) and fins. Other equipment required is based on each individual group and specific equipment requirements can be found at

Where do I sign up?

New swimmers can register on our website. To register swimmers must first come in for an assessment to be placed in the correct group. You can register at ANY point in the season to start for the 1st of the following month.

What if I need to withdraw a swimmer before the end of the season?

If your swimmer needs to withdraw at any point during the season. You can email We require 30 days notice.


What if my child can only attend some of their practices? Can they attend different days with other groups?

 All our groups have set days/times and cannot accomodate an athlete training on an alternate day or with an alternate time/group. For specific conflict issues please speak with the head coach or your childs coach.

My swimmer doesn’t like to swim in the morning… Can we not attend those practices?

Getting up early in the morning can be a challenge! Throughout a swimmers career morning practices increase.. at DSSC we feel it is important to introduce morning swims to our younger athletes as the amount of morning practices increases as the swimmer progresses through their swimming career.

Will my child be required to compete?

Swimmers are strongly encouraged to attend meets on a regular basis throughout the season. We offer meets for all skill levels so swimmers have many opportunities to try out racing! We begin racing in our intro level groups at our club hosted fun meets, from there athletes should be attending mini meets, pass meets, lmr meets and more!

How often do swim meets occur? Where do I sign up to attend?

Swim meets for all groups happen every 4-6 weeks. Swimmers are required to sign up on the team website in advance under the “events” tab.

When will my swimmer move groups?

DSSC coaches closely monitor the effort and progress of all our swimmers and make the decision when to move them based on when its best for the athlete. These decisions are on  a swimmer to swimmer basis taking into account the most successful move for the athlete and the new group they will be joining.