March swimmer of the month

April 9, 2024

March was a busy one for the club! We had a mini meet, pass meet, Provincial Championships, Delta LMR and Western Championships. A huge thanks to everyone who supported our DELTA LMR and made it a huge success!

The coaches are excited to announce.....

Swimmer of the month for March

Learn to compete: Catalina Omolo-Naumenko

This month the big thing was FOCUS! How to swim fast, learn new skills, improve old skills and swim longer sets all while keeping the focus. One of the newer skills to the learn to compete group is doing freestyle turns. Catalina has really put alot of effort into her freestyle turns and working on this newer skills every practice! The quick improvement to this and so many other skills is all a part of her determination and focus during practice.

Congratulations on all your hard work, Catalina!

Novice: Laila Aujlay

Laila always comes to practice with a great attitude and a willingness to work hard. She has been working on improving her technique especially in butterfly! 

Regional: Andrea Liu 

During the month of March Andrea has shown an improvement in focus during practice. She has worked hard on making changes to get faster including taking steps to improve her dives! 

Junior Blue & White: Phoenix Hu

This month in the Junior groups we've talked about building confidence in ourselves.  We have talked about what aspects of practice allow us to be more confident.  Junior swimmers have talked about risk taking in controlled measures and then showing successes because of or in spite of the risks.

Over the course of the month of March this swimmer and her coach have talked a lot about stepping out of the shadows, leading lanes successfully and using training opportunities to race against the rest of the team.  She has stepped up during practices, risked going after times, and trained far beyond her normal comfort levels.  Those taken risks have been wonderful to watch and the coaching staff knows that she has some amazing potential.

Congratulations to Phoenix Hu on some very hard work this past month.  We are very proud of her!

Senior Blue & Gold: Max Zha

Congratulations to Max on a successful month of swimming. He had a very successful meet at Western Canadian Championships and set a club record in the 1500 free!